Thursday, June 18, 2009

Saving Gaia

It seems that what the scientists are saying is true. The earth is getting warmer with each passing year. I still remember when I was much younger, this period of time will be a time where there is less rain and thus a bit warmer.

Now, I believe all will agree with me, the weather are so much scorching hot in Singapore. The moment you step out, you can feel your pesperation on the skin and the burning heat engulfing you.

Are we too late to do anything? Can we still save Gaia (the earth) as the campagin are going around now? I'm not sure. But I believe we all have the responsibility to do our part to ensure the world is still a liveable plce for our future generations.

So lets start now by recycling a bit more, using less non-recyclable items, and save some electricity and water by being conscious of how we use them. As the saying goes, a little thoughts goes a long way.

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